There have been so many times in my life when I wish I had someone to talk to. Someone who could deeply understand the confusing, painful, angry sorrow of silence and grief. Someone who could understand that more than the things that happened to me, it was the belief about who I was and how I had to interact with the world that limited my ability to be free. Free of a filter of shame and guilt for things that were done to me without my consent or will; free of the shroud of a broken belief that I had caused my son’s death; free to love myself without condition or judgement.
My path to freedom took decades and healing experiences in multiple modalities. What needed healing the most, was my Soul. It was on my knees, in an act of complete surrender, that Divine Love found me. A Love that is Eternal. Never waivers. Remains unconditional in the most desperate of human conditions. A Love that is within every beat of my heart, every breath I take. And I know, no matter the circumstances of your human journey, Divine Love is waiting for you. I know Divine Love is within you.
I am here to help you find it.
Spiritual Counselor, Grief Coach, Reiki Master, Freedom Coach©️, Meditation Teacher, Trauma-Relilient Heart-Math Course Completion
Amanda, 10/1980 – 12/2019
Jason, born with a silent heart 9/2079
Two miscarried Angel Babies